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Guppy color genetics by W. Storożew and S. Apriatin

in Artikel 14.09.2018 11:21
von franzpeter | 17.877 Beiträge

genetics information
Guppy color genetics by W. Storożew and S. Apriatin
Posted on 30 June 2016by root
This work has been oryginally translated from russian to polish by Monika Adaszewska and published on Warsaw aquarist forum fawa.pl.
Authors: W. Storozhev and S. Apriatin
(translation of a publication nr.1/2009)link to the original document where you can find photos which are currently lacking in a translation http://genetika-guppy.my1.ru/_ld/0/19_12009.pdf
We have great pleasure in proposing to your attention dear readers first publication of magazine “GUPPY GENETICS”, which goes about genetic and selection of splendid aquarium fish – guppy (Poecilia reticulata Peters 1859) and also others livebearing species of fish like swords, platys, mollies and so on. This publication will appear 6 times a year as a free addition to a web page genetika-guppy.my1.ru in both paper and electronic version.
Web page genetika-guppy.my1.ru and publication „GUPPY GENETICS” were created for aquarists interested in selection and genetic of guppies (Poecilia reticulata, Peters 1859) and other livebearing species of fish. Subject for web page and a publication is specific, very specialised – there is no similar positions neither in Russia nor a whole world. It is first widely available database of guppy genetic and selection.
With great pleasure we invite all aquarists interested in genetics and selection of aquarium fish to cooperation. Publish your articles, photos and other material sharing with others your experience and knowledge.
Record and increase experience in genetic and selection of aquarium fish together!


Mit freundlichen Grüßen
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