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Die Auswirkung von Sichtschutz auf das geschlechtliche Verhalten von Guppys

in Artikel 18.04.2013 21:56
von franzpeter | 17.881 Beiträge

Die Auswirkung von Sichtschutz auf das geschlechtliche Verhalten von Guppys:
Die Wichtigkeit von Ungestörtheit

Sexual selection is the outcome of behavioral
interactions within and between the sexes. Numerous
studies show how individuals modify their behavior in
response to ecological or social conditions, and such
changes may therefore affect the evolutionary outcome
of sexual selection. This study examined the effect of
habitat structure on the sexual behavior of male and
female guppies (Poecilia reticulata). I wished to
determine whether the ability of males to observe other
courting males would affect the rates of male courtship,
courtship interference, and the sexual responsiveness
of females. Specifically, I manipulated visibility using
opaque barriers in laboratory aquaria and found that
there was less male interference behavior in aquaria
containing visual obstructions than in aquaria without
barriers, regardless of whether the male was courting
virgin (“responsive”) or non-virgin (“unresponsive”)
females. In addition, the sexual responsiveness of virgin
females to male displays was significantly increased,
and the frequency of male displays when courting virgin
females was significantly reduced in aquaria with
barriers. The presence of visual barriers, however, did
not appear to affect the rates of male courtship displays
to non-virgins or the responsiveness of non-virgins.
Evidently, the barriers impede visibility enough that
males are less likely to observe and interfere with the
courtship activity of other males, and therefore, females
are less likely to flee or lose interest in a courting male.
Such habitat related changes in male-male competition
and female responsiveness could potentially affect
female choice and the evolutionary outcome of sexual

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The Effect of Visual Obstructions on the Sexual Behavior.pdf The Effect of Visual Obstructions on the Sexual Behavior.pdf

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zuletzt bearbeitet 05.05.2013 20:54 | nach oben springen
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